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Wash & Hygiene Program

The WASH Program aims to improve water, sanitation, and hygiene in communities through the installation of 15,000 tubewells, 20,000 pumps, and 200 water networks. It also includes 150 rainwater harvesting plants. The program has reached 1.4 million individuals with sanitation awareness and 500,000 with hygiene education. Additionally, 15,000 hygiene kits have been distributed to support community health.

Key Components

  1. Tubewells

    • Units Installed: 15,000
    • Purpose: To provide accessible groundwater for communities, ensuring a reliable source of safe drinking water.
  2. Pumps

    • Units Installed: 20,000
    • Purpose: To facilitate water extraction and distribution, enhancing water availability for various uses.
  3. Water Network

    • Units Established: 200
    • Purpose: To create an interconnected system for efficient water delivery to households and facilities.
  4. Rainwater Harvesting Plants

    • Units Installed: 150
    • Purpose: To capture and store rainwater, promoting sustainable water management practices and reducing dependency on groundwater.
  5. Sanitation Awareness

    • Reach: 1.4 Million Individuals
    • Objective: To educate communities about the importance of sanitation and hygiene practices, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases.
  6. Hygiene Awareness

    • Reach: 500,000 Individuals
    • Objective: To promote hygiene education, focusing on practices like handwashing and personal cleanliness to improve overall public health.
  7. Hygiene Kit Distribution

    • Kits Distributed: 15,000
    • Contents: Basic hygiene supplies (soap, hand sanitizers, menstrual hygiene products, etc.) aimed at vulnerable populations to support their health and well-being.

Goals of the Wash Program

  • Increase Access to Clean Water: Improve the availability of safe drinking water through tubewells, pumps, and rainwater harvesting.
  • Promote Sanitation and Hygiene: Raise awareness and educate communities about the importance of hygiene and sanitation to prevent disease.
  • Empower Communities: Equip individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary for maintaining personal and community health.


The Wash Program by the Southern Charity Foundation aims to significantly enhance water, sanitation, and hygiene standards in the targeted communities. Through comprehensive initiatives and widespread outreach, it seeks to create a sustainable impact on public health and well-being.

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