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Empowerment Through Sewing Machine Distribution

In Bangladesh, sewing has long been a traditional skill among women. With the burgeoning Ready-Made Garment (RMG) industry, which employs approximately 80% of its workforce as women, there is an increasing demand for skilled labor. However, many women face barriers to entering this industry due to financial constraints, urgent household needs, and the existing socio-cultural context.

To address this gap, the Southern Charity Foundation (SCF) has launched a proactive initiative aimed at empowering vulnerable women through the distribution of sewing machines. This program not only provides essential tools for self-employment but also includes comprehensive training on market networking. Such training enables these women to connect with potential clients, enhancing their livelihood prospects.

To date, SCF has successfully distributed 225 sewing machines, directly benefiting approximately 1,125 individuals. This initiative underscores SCF’s commitment to fostering economic independence among women, helping them navigate barriers and thrive within their communities. By enabling women to become financially self-sufficient, SCF contributes to their empowerment and overall socio-economic development.

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